Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Learning Together

Many homeschooling parents fear that their knowledge is not adequate. Perhaps they only received mediocre grades in school, or maybe they think they need a college education. This is not true.
It is true that you can’t teach what you don’t know. However, it’s never too late to learn.
My oldest son is fascinated by trains. He tries to relate everything he learns to trains. As a result, I have learned a lot about trains. When he asks me a question about how something works and I don’t know the answer, we sit together and look for answers in books and online.
Whether you want them to our not, your children know that you don’t know everything. In fact, sometimes they don’t believe you know anything at all. Why waste your time trying to pretend like you know everything when you don’t? No matter how hard you study or prepare, your children will eventually ask a question that you cannot honestly answer.
Seeing that you still have things to learn is an educational experience for our children itself. Through this, they become aware that learning is a journey and not a destination. It is impossible to know everything there is to know in one lifetime.
Don’t just teach your children – learn alongside them. Learn about the things that interest them, and teach them about the things that interest you. Never be afraid to say, “I don’t know – but let’s find out!”
I have been in college for over a year in pursuit of an education degree. I can tell you honestly that I have not learned anything in my college classes that I didn’t already learn in high school, except for the classes on childhood development and learning – which knowledge I have gained outside of the classroom by being a parent. I have not finished my degree program yet, but I am certain there is no magic class that transforms an average wannabe educator into a superior teaching machine.
However, if taking college classes will help you be a more confident homeschooling parent, I encourage you to do it! There are many correspondence and community classes available. If you are nervous about going back to school, start with just one class at a time.
Ultimately, do not let yourself give up on homeschooling because you are concerned about your own educational shortcomings. Children start small, anyway. You don’t have to know calculus to teach a young child to identify his numbers. Learning is a journey that starts with small steps. Start by teaching the things you do know, and you’ll be amazed at where the journey will take you.

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