Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thoughts about PE (Physical Education)

For many reasons, PE (physical education) can be a major homeschooling challenge. Although it is not a mandatory part of the curriculum in all states, it is required in some places. If you are struggling with PE in your homeschool environment, consider these ideas:

Active playtime counts! You don't need complex equipment or an expensive gym membership to exercise. Take time every day for active play--tag, Frisbee, dodgeball, basketball all count.

Chores are exercise, too--especially if strenuous outdoor work is involved.

Incorporate exercise into a family service activity. Clean up a park, or help build a playground! Go door to door and gather food for a food bank, or collect used magazines for an abused women's shelter.

Purchase fun exercise DVDs.

Visit parks and playgrounds! Older children may enjoy a visit to a skate park instead of a playground.

Have a dance! Turn up the music real loud and dance around.

Enroll children in community sports.

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